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Tenant Insurance Grande Prairie

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Tenant Insurance Grande Prairie

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Al About Tenant Insurance in Grand Prairie

For a small city whose population is no more than 63,000 people, Grande Prairie offers an intriguing mix of small city community and big city benefits. The city attracts businesses, jobs, and new residents because of its agricultural industry, strategic location, and diverse wealth of natural resources, such as oil, natural gas, coal, and lumber.

This small city could be the perfect destination for a newly married couple looking to shake things up a little and experience something different at a new place. It could also be the right place for a retired couple looking to enjoy the quiet of the country away from the busy lifestyle in the province’s big cities.

If you’ve decided to move your family to the beautiful city of Grande Prairie, let us be part of your relocation plan. We know you’ve been busy looking for a place to rent for your family. In this excitement, did you also remember to shop for tenant Insurance for your newly leased home?

Maybe not! But that’s not a problem at all! Because now you have us! At Sharp Insurance, we have a team of expert brokers. They’ll be happy to have a chat with you about your tenant/renters insurance policy in Grande Prairie.

You can also start by getting a quick tenant/renters insurance quote by filling out the form below now!


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Do I Need Renter’s Insurance?

You sure do! Your landlord in Alberta has a legal right to require a tenant insurance policy from new tenants before they can sign their leasing agreements. This isn’t only to protect your landlord; in fact, your tenant insurance policy protects you, your family, your finances, and your prized possessions for a small average of $25 a month.

Put another way: You’re buying your family’s safety and your peace of mind for an average of $25 a month. A great deal! Don’t you think?

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Ontario Tenant Insurance

How To Get Renter’s Insurance in Grande Prairie

Before you start shopping for tenant insurance in Grande Prairie, there are a few thigs you need to know. Give us a call and one of our award-winning brokers at Sharp Insurance will walk you through all the details you need to get the right coverage for your personal belongings.


So let’s get the facts by answering the following questions:

  • What personal belongings should your policy cover?
    Preparing a list of all the items in your household that need to be insured is the first step to determining the cost of your tenant insurance.
  • Where do you live?
    Landlords and leasing offices usually post higher rents for their downtown suites in Grande Prairie. Naturally, your tenant insurance premium rate also increases as a resident of the downtown area. If you wish to save some money on your tenant insurance policy, it might be a good idea to move into a rental unit away from the city center and closer to the suburban neighbourhoods of the city.
  • What’s your current deductible amount?
    The deductible is the amount of money you have to contribute towards covering the expenses resulting from an accident at your suite before your tenant insurance policy is activated to cover the remaining cost. Normally, you should be able to select the deductible amount you deem suitable for you.
  • Here’s a tip from Sharp Insurance: A small deductible amount might sound like the right way to go. But did you know that when you choose the lowest available deductible on your policy, your monthly premium immediately increases? Take your time and discuss a payment plan that works for you with your Sharp Insurance broker.

What Does Renter’s Insurance Cover in Grande Prairie?


Contents Insurance for Renters in Grand Prairie

Content insurance covers the financial cost of repairing or replacing your household personal possessions and furnishings.

At Sharp Insurance, we can customize your content insurance policy to include extra coverage for expensive items, such as jewellery, sporting equipment, art collection, wine, etc.

Give us a call and learn more about the several coverage options and prices we have for your most valuable belongings.

Here’s another tip for you: As a renter/tenant, your possessions aren’t covered by your landlord’s insurance policy.

Tenants/Renters Liability Insurance

With a $2 Million liability, this coverage protects you if you accidently injure another person or cause any damage to other people’s properties inside your suite, in your building of residence, or anywhere in the world.

Here are some of the scenarios that can explain to you how important it is to have Tenant/renters Liability Insurance added to your policy:

  • You forget to turn off the stove and it catches fire damaging your suite and your neighbour’s suite as well.
  • Your cable technician gets electrocuted trying to install you cable and injures herself.
  • Your teenage son breaks some gym equipment at a hotel while your family is vacationing in Thailand.

Extra Living Expenses Coverage

Weather patterns in Alberta have been increasingly changing. Whether these changes result in wind and rain, excessive snow and snow melting, rising river levels, or wildfires, natural disasters are gradually becoming a fact of life for Albertans.

We aren’t trying to scare you! We’re simply trying to make sure you’re protected under all circumstances. And the only way we can do that is by offering you the Extra Living Expense Coverage. This coverage takes care of you in the unfortunate event your home is destroyed for reasons beyond your control and your family is evacuated for your safety. Your hotel bills, restaurant meals, and moving expenses will only add to your distress if you don’t have this extra coverage option added to your tenant insurance plan.

At Sharp Insurance, we don’t take risks and we believe that your family’s safety and well-being should be your life’s biggest investments.

Still have questions about your tenant/renters insurance in Grande Prairie? Not a problem! Call one of our friendly brokers at Sharp Insurance and learn more about getting the best tenant insurance rates in Grande Prairie.