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Safeguard your Home and Vehicle Against Fire

Safeguard your Home and Vehicle Against Fire

Tips to Avert a Fire and What To Do if One Occurs in Alberta

During the holidays, there are often extra lights plugged in, more activity in the kitchenand more people in your home – so the risk of a fire increases. If you’re working at home, you may be using additional appliances and power outlets, and this situation can also stoke the danger of a fire.  

 While these scenarios (and more) can present fire hazards, it’s prudent to follow the tips below all year-round.   

Dwayne, a firefighter in Calgary, answers some of your more pressing questions about fire safety in Alberta. 

What are the main causes of house fires? 

  1. Overloading your power bar circuits. Check your power bars in your home to make sure they’re not worn-out or have too many plugs in each one. It’s important to replace old power bars immediately.  
  2. Unattended cooking. Never walk away from the stove when you’re cooking.  
  3. Plant boxes. Smokers should never put out their cigarettes in a plant box because it will easily ignite a fire. 

What Should I Do if I Have a House Fire? 

It’s important to have an escape plan for your family and any visitors staying overnight, so everyone knows where to go, if and when a fire breaks out. Don’t panic if something on the stove catches fire. Do not put water on it. Throw a cloth over the flames, often this will put out the fire. 

Tip: Check your fire alarm annually. Make sure the batteries are changed on a regular basis.  

We answer your questions about insurance coverage in the event of fire damage to your home or auto.  


What Type of Fire Insurance Coverage do you Need?  

If you have fire damage to your home (from your home or a neighbour’s home)your insurance policy will cover you in most instances. But If your vehicle is damaged due to fire, you’ll need to make sure you have comprehensive or all perils coverage purchased ahead of the incident. 

How Do I Process My Fire Insurance Claim?

If you’re in an unfortunate situation where your home or car is wrecked by fire or water, you’ll want to have several important documents on hand. These documents include receipts of items that were damaged, warranties, and any other proof of purchase. You’ll also want to take photos of the items in your home.  

Call your insurance broker or insurer right away to start your home insurance or auto insurance claim in the event of a fire. 

For more fire safety tips, talk to your local fire department or go to your city’s website to get more information.  

 There are a lot of online resources available on fire safety. Here are a few websites to check out for Calgary residents.  

Home Safety Tips

Fire Safety for Children

Holiday Fire Safety Tips

Apartment Fire Safety Tips

Kitchen and Cooking Fire Safety

Fire Safety in your Home

Stay safe. Print out fire safety tips and put them on your fridge for easy access.